Teenagers Kickboxing
Ages 11 - 16 years

Gilliland Martial Arts

Fitness: Helps teens burn off energy and stay fit
Self-Defence: Teaches teens how to defend themselves
Confidence: Helps teens build self-confidence and a sense of achievement
Life Skills: Teaches teens discipline, respect, and other core values
Social Skills: Helps teens make new friends and get involved with peers who share similar goals

Gilliland Martial Arts

Limited Time Offer!

Classes Mondays & Wednesdays 5.00 – 5.45pm

To join you need to book a trial class first, click here to book

Please allow 24 hrs for the booking process. We will contact you to confirm a booking.

After the trial class we will send you the joining / membership details.

Gilliland Martial Arts

Students Learn:

  • Punching
  • Striking
  • Kicking
  • Blocking
  • Self Defence
  • Conditioning / Fitness
  • Stretching
  • Light Sparring

Techniques are practiced solo and with partners.

Various types of equipment are used in class like; punch/kick bags, focus pads, shields etc.

Students learn to work with and respect each other.

Gilliland Martial Arts

There is a graded belt curriculum that students work to and this helps in setting goals for them to reach.

When a student first joins they will not have a belt for the first couple of weeks. Once they have showen an understanding of the first few techniques they will have the right to wear a White belt.

After this they can take grading exams to try and earn their next level belt.

Gilliland Martial Arts

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